Choosing A Wifi Router: 7 Tips To Buy the Best One


Last Updated on December 27, 2019


Choosing a good Wifi router is very important for building a sophisticated, modern…and smart home. This is because we now have smart home devices that help us perform everyday tasks automatically (turning off the lights when no one is home, preparing coffee and toast for breakfast without getting out of bed, adjusts the room temperature, among other features of other smart home appliances) and these need a good Wifi router with wireless internet to work perfectly. Learn how to choose the best Wifi router by knowing the following 7 tips!


#1 – Realize the Difference Between a Modem and a Wifi Router

Before answering the question of how to choose a Wifi router, you need to understand the difference between a modem and a router, since both work very similarly.

How Does the Modem Works?

A modem is a device that receives the Internet signal and at the same time converts it to a language accessible to any computer – it provides only one Internet access point. This means that without a modem you have no internet access.

How Does the Wifi Router Works?

The router is the gadget responsible for splitting and sharing the internet signal between various devices.

While the modem makes it possible to receive and convert the Internet signal to a computer, the wireless Wifi router allows the Internet signal to be distributed among various equipment.

It is noteworthy that there are Wifi router and modem that performs both tasks (receive, share and distribute the internet signal to computers and other devices), and the most popular are distributed by operators that sell Internet services.

#2 – Know the Type of Use You Will Make of the Wifi Router

At first glance, especially for those people who do not know how this equipment works, all Wifi routers may look very similar.

There are currently hundreds of different models, each with its own attributes and characteristics – that´s why you find many Wifi router reviews on the web. You should choose a Wifi router according to the following usage:


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