This Is How You Can Tell Someone is Spying on Your Computer


Last Updated on December 25, 2019

#3 – Low Computer Speed

Another indicator that your computer has been hacked is the fact that it has slower run times. If all of a sudden it takes your computer very long times to perform certain tasks, tasks that would usually be performed very fast, then you could be dealing with a malware infection and for which you need the proper anti-malware software.

Therefore, consider getting the right computer virus protection. There are free malware removal tools out there, but getting a paid one always pays off better.

#4 – Webcam Suddenly On

Hackers hack computer cameras! Your computer webcam should not light up of its own and start recording you. If that happens, it means that your computer has been hacked and someone is spying on you and taking your right to privacy.

This is one of the types of cyber-attacks that infringes upon the sanctity of people’s private life. Therefore, as soon as you notice something like this, cover your webcam and get a malware scanner because there is a computer virus on your device.

#5 – Unknown Lights Blink

If your computer has LED lights that work as indicators concerning the activities of sending and receiving information, then you need to pay very close attention to them.

If, for example, those lights start blinking all of a sudden without you actively sending any information from your computer, then that means that a computer virus is doing the sending for you, meaning that you need to be careful and try to troubleshoot and solve the problem. There are different types of computer viruses that work this way, so make sure to get the best malware removal software.

#6 – Pop-up Ads

This is a strong indicator that your computer has been hacked. A cyber-security risk that is very common these days is the act of turning your computer into a money-making machine through pop-up ad malware.

These types of malware serve ads to your computer and even click on them to make it seem genuine and earn money. So if you notice pop-up ads on your computer, we urge you to get the best malware protection tool, such as a computer virus removal tool that deals specifically with pop-up ads.


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