5 Smartphone Essentials For The Travel Expert In You


Last Updated on December 30, 2019

©Virtual Reality

It’s the 21st century and we are absolutely nothing without our smartphones – they are our phone, our internet connection, our camera, our mp3 player, our alarm clock, our map, our calculator and even our lantern.

No one travels anymore without a smartphone, and that happens because that small device can help us in a myriad of things. We gathered 5 smartphone essentials you should never forget while traveling, to make sure you don’t lose or break your phone, and that you have enough battery for the whole journey.


#1 – Phone Lanyard

The lanyard phone holder is a great investment for anyone who wants to keep their phone safe. You can get many different models on Amazon for a price as small as $10, so the risk of carrying your phone around unprotected doesn’t really make any sense.

It’s a handy accessory that will let you make sure that you always have your phone at hand for taking the perfect picture, and it’s a safety net that won’t let you drop your phone – basically, it is a must-have for any adventure traveler.

#2 – Battery Backup

Truth is phone batteries can’t last half as long as they used to, and it’s only natural because we use our phones way too much. That is why a portable phone charger is mandatory – even if you are exploring in the middle of nowhere, you will always have the option to charge your phone and reconnect with the world.

Nowadays, instead of portable chargers, you can purchase phone cases with built-in chargers on the cover, and this way you avoid carrying more than one item around. But you have tiny sized options, so either way, you will do good.

#3 – Glass Cell Phone Protection

Like we have stated before, protecting your phone is of the essence, and in order to avoid those annoying scratches on your screen or a shattered screen, it’s important that you invest in a tempered glass screen protector that is scratch resistant.


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