Why You Don’t Need To Buy Expensive Windows 10 License!


Last Updated on March 6, 2020

This is a fairly simple process that can be done by anyone, even by those who consider themselves to be technologically illiterate. Once you have your device upgraded to Windows 10, your system will automatically update every time Microsoft pushes a new security update to fix issues, improve stability, and keep your system protected against viruses and malware.

2. How to install Windows 10

This is where things get interesting. Even if your hardware isn’t associated with a legal copy of a previous Windows software, Microsoft still lets you install and operate Windows 10 for free.

This means that people that intend to build their own desktop or want to buy a specific laptop model that is being sold without Windows pre-installed (thus slightly cheaper) can still run this operating system on their machine without paying a single penny for it.

We could provide you a “how to install Windows 10” tutorial, but the whole process is very similar to the one we described earlier: you download Windows 10 Media Creation Tool, you load the file onto a USB flash drive, plug it into the computer and access the BIOS to boot your device from the USB flash drive.

From there, you just need to follow the steps described on the setup, skip the activation process, and everything will then work just fine… except for two things: you get an annoying “Activate Windows” watermark on your desktop background and you can’t change the color scheme. These are purely aesthetic features that do not interfere in any way with the stable functioning of the operating system.

3. Windows 10 Might be the last version

You might be wondering… Why is Microsoft giving away its most popular product for free? Well, there’s obviously an explanation. And no, they are not doing so out of corporate kindness.

The main reason is to get every Windows user on its latest version. In the past, people delayed upgrading to newer versions because it was too expensive and their current version suited all their needs – so there was really no point in spending that extra cash.


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