7 Home Devices That Could Be Spying On You


Last Updated on January 1, 2020

Hackers can easily intercept hidden surveillance camera broadcasts thanks to specific programs that give them access to the stream of recorded video in real-time (gives them the ability to copy recordings to their computers) and full control over the locations to where the camera is pointing – this information is invaluable to burglars for example because it basically leaves them in control of all operations.

This is because most people do not change their passwords regularly or use obvious or weak passwords. Always keep in mind that using a strong and complex password that is frequently changed can prevent you from being attacked by a cyber-attack.

#7 – Smart Appliances inside the House

Today there are dozens of smart home appliances that are part of a smart home, such as smart voice assistants, a smart video doorbell, a smart water leak detector, a smart garage door, among others.

Because they are connected to the internet and to each other, they can easily be spied on and controlled by people outside your home.

Spies get access to the hours you wake up in the morning – thanks to the information that is entered into your smart coffee maker, your online shopping habits – as shown in your smart fridge data, or even your thermostat’s HVAC system to have access to your bank information, for example.

All of this is for spies to gain access to insider information about your home, your online shopping habits, your needs and most of all when you are not at home. So they can rob your home whenever they want, among other crimes they want to commit.

No one doubts that these devices are an asset to the composition of smart homes and are seen as synonymous with technological evolution and the modernity of things. Keep in mind, however, that they can be used as a gateway by evil and malicious people who live out of the discomfort of others. So never make their lives easier and take care of your things with the utmost security.


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