7 Things That Make Your Smartphone Attractive To Hackers!


Last Updated on March 30, 2021

These system updates add new features, fix some bugs, and improve security. Hackers are always being creative and trying to find new vulnerabilities in software. These updates are designed to keep you protected and to overcome any flaws that might have been exploited. Most data breaches occur to users who are running an older version of the OS.

6. You install apps from unknown sources

You should only install apps from outside the official stores if you really know what you are doing. And even then you must double-check before installing it. Both the Google Play and the App Store have safety systems carefully designed to keep their millions of users safe from malicious software – every app that publishers want to make available on the official stores goes through an extensive verification process to ensure that it is completely safe to be download and installed. Therefore, if you are installing an app from another source, your safety might be at risk. It is important that you know exactly what you are installing and the company from where you are downloading it.

7. You use simple passwords

Using complex passwords is essential to keep your online activity properly protected. Passwords with more than 8 characters, with upper and lowercase letters and weird characters, might be difficult to remember, sure, but they will make the hacker’s job a lot harder. There are useful software tools such as 1password or Bitwarden (free alternative) that can help you manage your passwords. That way you can use highly complex passwords (and different ones for your different accounts) that are almost impossible for hackers to discover and easily manage them with a single safe master password.


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