8 Unexpected Car Secrets That You Will Surprise You!


Last Updated on March 13, 2020

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As time goes by, people realize that car maintenance and cars overall seem way more complicated than they really are. It is worth knowing the basics about the functioning of this means of transportation because it can help you improve your own safety and solve potential problems.

Experienced drivers know that most people spend huge amounts of money on unnecessary trips to the mechanic. You don’t need to panic every time a light starts flashing on the dashboard.

There are several common car issues that are simple to fix without the help of a professional. All it takes is a little research and willingness to learn and experiment. And don’t be afraid to ruin your car.

These days there are lots of tutorials available on youtube that teach you, step by step, how to do all sorts of things: from a car battery or headlight bulb replacement to engine oil change.

Car problems are almost inevitable, sure. But the following tips will teach you how to avoid or overcome them with relative ease. Here are 8 car secrets you should know about!

1. Check for rust on the brake pads

More often than not, rust is the cause for that screeching noise that comes out of your vehicle every time you hit the brake pedal. Brake pads are made from heavy, heat-resistant metal such as steel, for example. Depending on the type of use and the climate of your region, these materials rust pretty quickly.

However, that doesn’t mean that you need to go buy new brake pads (on average, a new set of brake pads costs 500$) or ask your mechanic to remove the rust (car rust repair services can cost between 100$ and 500$, depending on your car model).

You can do it yourself! You just need a few tools and a cleaner – distilled white vinegar will get the job done. A quick google search on how to fix rust on a car will give you an extensive list of useful results.

2. Car battery


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