7 Ways You Will Never Be A Victim Of Online Scams!


Last Updated on September 2, 2020

© DePijnVrijCoach.nl

The internet is, for most people, the greatest invention of all time. But it can be used for good causes as well as for evil ones. It all depends on people’s will and intentions.

Thus, it is essential that you surf the internet with maximum security in order to be as protected as possible from the action of hackers or other criminals. Learn how to protect yourself online by reading all about the best tips to never fall victim to frauds and scams. The following 7 points stand out, so make sure to read them all!

1. Stay as Informed and Updated as Possible

You should be as up-to-date as possible about the online schemes most used by thieves, such as fraudulent online store purchases, email scams that are sent for your inbox, fake websites (website ATM scam, for example), among other scams. Just as you have to be prepared and informed about the best anti-virus protection software you should use.

Use a Firewall for Greater Security and Browsing Confidence:

A firewall will block unauthorized access to your computer, smartphone, tablet or other smart home appliances in your home. Its use ensures that all equipment that is connected to your home network is protected, which means greater security.

You can also use a firewall whenever you are using a free Wi-Fi public network so that you are not a victim of free Wi-Fi scams on your smartphone or other mobile devices.
Note that, most of the time, smart home devices are not equipped with security measures and end up being a point of entry for hackers, if you do not have an active firewall.

Keep Your Computer Software Up To Date:

You need to have your computer software as up-to-date as possible so that you are always protected when you are online, especially if your dream job involves shopping and selling online.

That way, keep your browser, antivirus, and other data protection software up to date. Thus, you are reducing the possibility of attacks and security breaches on your computer. Enable automatic updates in software settings and have a secure and comfortable online presence.


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