Choosing A Wifi Router: 7 Tips To Buy the Best One


Last Updated on December 27, 2019

• A basic Wifi router: If you only use the Internet to send emails and access social media networks.

• An Intermediate Wifi Router: For those who use the internet a lot to watch television programs or movies through a streaming service.

• An advanced Wifi router: For those who play online or work from home. They need to use heavier and more demanding online resources.

#3 – Understand How a Wifi Router’s Frequency Band Works

A Wifi router has several types of frequency bands: single, dual and tri-band, which means it has one, two or three different wireless networks that can be used. These frequencies operate on a 2.4 GHz or 2.4 GHz and 5GHz.

• 2.4GHz Band Frequency

This band frequency operates over the 2.4 GHz spectrum and is typically full of interference from household objects and other nearby networks. In the end, it offers good coverage and that´s why you find it on a portable Wifi router, but not the best bandwidth.

• 5 GHz Band Frequency

This is a band frequency that operates under the 5GHz spectrum and it is less congested than the 2.4 GHz spectrum. If you asked yourself how to speed up my Wifi router, this band frequency is the best answer for your doubts. It has the best Wifi router speed ratings and represents the fastest Wifi router of the market.

However, the waves used at this frequency type cannot pass through walls or other solid objects. Overall, it ensures better bandwidth, but with lower coverage.

Please note that when choosing the best high-speed Wifi router you should purchase equipment that supports both spectra simultaneously.

#4 – Observe Carefully the Range of the Wifi Router

The range of a Wifi router is determined by the combination of three factors:

The number of router antennas

A good Wifi router has at least 2 antennas, and 3 antennas is the ideal option for those who have a lot of equipment connected on the wireless network. The more antennas, the more transmission points and signal reception in your home – however, that does not mean a longer range. For a longer range, you should opt for the antennas with a larger isotropic decibel (dBi’s).


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